Tea Country Collection

Tea Country Collection
Well rolled and spherical in appearance, this exquisite and regal tea is a black tea that cups into a pale brown brew with medium strength. A touch of honey perfects this beautiful tea.

Tea Country Collection
Black in appearance, this long leaf black tea from the southern low grown regions of Ceylon displays a curled tightly rolled appearance, unfurling into a quarter or more of a tea leaf. Medium in strength, this tea is golden brown in the cup with honey notes hiding a mild nutty finish.

Tea Country Collection
Broken Orange Pekoe, a brownish broken grade of tea from the highlands of Ceylon which is a favourite of the continent. A reddish brown cup with mahogany highlights, this tea cups into a bright and gutty tea with character that takes milk and sugar in moderation.

Tea Country Collection
This refined tea from the low hinterland of Ceylon is held with high esteem as a premium offering. Cut and tightly rolled with wiry particles, this stately tea yields a mellow golden red cup.

Tea Country Collection
Tightly rolled into small particles, this tea is “shotty” in appearance from the low country of Ceylon, reminiscent of lead shot. Deep matt black with occasional brownish leaf, this tea unfurls gracefully into a chestnut and golden brown with smooth honey notes with a hint of citrusy flora.

Tea Country Collection
A beautifully crafted tea with thick well rolled long leaf that unfurls into large leaf portions. This is a golden brown brew with shades of burgundy, yielding a smooth mild tea with slightly toasty after taste.